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TPEC Advisory Board meeting

People: Researchers and Staff

While transportation finance data are open and available in the U.S., these data are not easily accessible—they are scattered, fragmented, confusing, and oftentimes inconsistent from sources to sources. Thus we developed the Minnesota Transportation Finance Database, a consolidated and longitudinal clearinghouse of information related to transportation revenue and expenses. This signature project provides a solid foundation to support applied research, policy decision making, and public engagement on related efforts.
—Jerry Zhirong Zhao

Past Researchers

  • Adeel Lari, Director, IURIF, Humphrey School 
  • Lee Munnich, Founding Director, TPEC

TPEC delayed my retirement from university by at least a decade as it allowed me to continue the work I cherished. It let me work on developing transportation finance databases, study the potential impact of self-driving vehicles, and continue to study the impact of working from home, which I started with eWorkPlace as part of a federal initiative. It was important for me that all that work was done with equity as a centerpiece.

—Adeel Lari

Current Staff

  • Angie Kronebusch, CTS Senior Multimedia Designer
  • Laura Noble, Executive Administrative Specialist, Humphrey School

Former Staff

  • Heidi Corcoran, TPEC Research Manager
  • Arlene Mathison, CTS Director of Information Systems
  • Pam Snopl, CTS Managing Editor