An efficient and forward-looking transportation system is critical for the economic vitality of the state and the region. Financing the system, however, is an ongoing challenge. Major studies and initiatives indicate that current revenues will not be adequate to maximize transportation's benefits to Minnesota's economy.
TPEC work in this area:
- Identifies and examines revenue streams and finance alternatives to meet capital and maintenance costs.
- Provides finance data and decision-making tools for policymakers.
Minnesota Transportation Finance Database
TPEC researchers created the Minnesota Transportation Finance Database to provide a comprehensive, objective source of transportation finance information. It serves as a solid foundation for understanding transportation finance issues in Minnesota and for promoting informed decision making.
Minnesota Transportation Finance Database
Completed Research
- Alternative Revenue Mechanisms for the Roadway System, Nov. 2023
- Local Contributions to State and Regional Transportation Facilities in Minnesota, MnDOT, 2020
- Revenue Usages, Pricing Schemes, and Media Discussions for Taxing Ridesourcing Services, June 2020
- Minnesota’s Motorization Trends Reshape Roadway Funding (PDF), Feb. 2019
- Minnesota Transportation Finance Database Reports
- Interstate 35E MnPASS Managed Lanes Extension: Little Canada Road to County Road 96 Pre-Implementation Study (2015)
- Transportation Investment and Economic Development in Minnesota Counties (2015)
- Innovative Parking Pricing Demonstration Project - Phase II (2009)
- Public-Private Partnerships in Transportation Task Force (2010)
- Mileage Based User Fee Policy Examination (2010)
- Benefit-Cost Analysis of Value Pricing: Case Study for MnPass - FY10 TechPlan (2009)
- Implementing Distance-Based User Fees as a Replacement for the Fuel Tax - FY10 TechPlan (2009)
- Near-Term-Implementable Mechanisms for Collecting Road User Charges Based on Vehicle-Miles Traveled (2009)
- Innovative Parking Pricing Demonstration Project (2007)