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Ten Years of TPEC

Frank Douma
Frank Douma

The Transportation Policy and Economic Competitiveness program (TPEC) was established by the Minnesota Legislature in 2013 to more completely understand the importance of transportation to the economy and communities in Minnesota. Throughout its 10 years, the program’s members and partners have produced a remarkable set of undertakings, insights, and accomplishments. These include:

These are but a few of the many accomplishments of TPEC in our first decade. I invite you to visit the sections below and hope you enjoy these stories of the program’s research, engagement, and impact.

—Frank Douma, TPEC Director, July 2024

Insight and Impact

Learn how our activities provide insight—and lead to results on the ground.


TPEC researchers conduct and share leading-edge transportation research. We focus on three core areas while responding to changing conditions, such as pandemic impacts. Explore highlights of our research in those core areas through the years: 


The TPEC Program engages with government, industry, and other stakeholders to gather feedback, guide our work, and share our findings and tools.


As part of their work, TPEC researchers guide and mentor graduate students—who then take their degrees and knowledge to the workforce.