Minnesota and National Transportation Systems:
- Minnesota Department of Transportation
- Metropolitan Council
- National Transit Database (NTD)
- United States Department of Transportation
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Data and Documentation:
- Project Finance State by State: Benchmarking Data (by AASHTO)
- Government Transportation Financial Statistics (by USDOT)
- Transportation Funding and Finance Legislation Database (by NCSL)
- Financial Information Clearinghouse (by MTI)
- Cambridge Systematics: Transportation Finance
- Transport - Data & Statistics (by World Bank)
- How does MnDOT fund transportation projects? (by MnDOT)
- Transportation Financing (by Virginia DOT)
- Budget and Financial Analysis Home (by Washington DOT)
Related Research:
- Transportation Funding in Minnesota: Past, Present, and Prospects
- Paying for Minnesota Roads: A Tax Policy Assessment
- Local Road Funding History in Minnesota
- Financing Transportation Through the Capture of Land Value Gains: Practical Integration and Stakeholder Involvement
- Financing Transportation Through the Capture of Land Value Gains: The Value Capture Strategies of TIF, SAD, and Joint Development
- Value Increase and Value Capture: TH 610 Case Study
- Economic Benefits of Transportation Service Coordination in Minnesota: Case Studies